Imagine our daily lives in 2040. When you come home non-human actors welcome you subtly stimulating your mood after having detected it. Some of them have already become part of our bodies and minds constantly updating other entities. Most of the technological artifacts we use have specific ideals considering models of (co-)existence inscribed. But how should our desirable futures look and feel like? Which aspects of existence do we want to focus on? And which values are they based on?
Applying methods of speculative design we will investigate and visualize possible ways of co-existing in pleasant symbiosis with our intelligent artefacts. Which roles do we want to assign to them and how do they – vice versa – shape us by affecting the way we communicate and perceive ourselves and others?
The Parliament of Things is just around the corner. Let’s have fun with prototyping the new normal!
Dr. Margarita Köhl’s research focuses on affective aspects of technology appropriation as well as intercultural design. She is a professor for digital communication at the University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg.
Marianne Pührerfellner is a specialist in user experience. She teaches UX/UI as an associate professor at the Institute of Visual Communication of the University of Art and Design Linz.